We are three researchers who, throughout their academic work and personal interests, had the opportunity to meet in spaces of discussion that crossed cinema histories. Colleagues in the Graduate Program in Cinema and Audiovisual at Universidade Federal Fluminense, we met at the Journey of Studies in the History of Brazilian Cinema held in Juiz de Fora in 2018 and, after that, we took the course “Stories of Cinemas, Memories and Experiences” of audiences”, offered by professors João Luiz Vieira and Talitha Ferraz at PPGCine, in 2018, where the idea of this mapping and dissemination project came about. The interest grew as we participated in other events of the genre, of which we highlight the Meeting da Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos de Cinema e Audiovisual (SOCINE), which since 2016 has held the Thematic Seminar “Cinematic Exhibition, Spectatorialities and Arts of Projection in Brazil”, in addition to Pré SOCINE, organized by Professor João Luiz Vieira, an event that aims to approach the history of movie theaters located in the host city of the congress, as well as to discuss new methodologies for the field . In addition, we also point out the Research Group “Ways of Seeing: Study of Cinema, Exhibition and Cinematographic Audiences” (ESPM/CNPq), coordinated by Talitha Ferraz and Pedro Curi, who organize an annual meeting to debate these issues and the Minas é Cinema project, from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, coordinated by Alessandra Brum.
Lívia Cabrera
Lívia Cabrera loves to know cities, walk the streets, learn about their stories and old buildings, especially theaters and cinemas. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences from UFSCar (2010) and in Cinema and Audiovisual from UFF (2017), a master’s degree from the Graduate Program in Cinema and Audiovisual from UFF (2020) and a doctoral student in the same program, researching Carmen Santos and Brasil Vita Filmes. It also develops research on cinema histories, contaminated by this vast group of movie theater hunters. He currently works at Cine Arte UFF, a movie theater with a university and commercial profile located in Niterói-RJ, preserving and creating many stories in this room with more than 50 years of activity. She has been a federal administrative technical servant since 2010, having worked at UFSCar, UFF and ANCINE. He also works in film and theater productions.
Ryan Brandão
Under the co-tutorship regime, Ryan Brandão is a doctoral candidate in Cinema and Audiovisual at UFF and in Communication Sciences at UGent, Belgium. Master in Arts, Culture and Languages (2016) and Bachelor in Social Communication (2013) from UFJF. Member of the CPCine Study Groups: History, Aesthetics and Narratives in Cinema and Audiovisual (UFJF / CNPq) and Ways of Seeing: Studies of Cinema, Exhibition and Cinematographic Audiences (ESPM / CNPq). With Alessandra Brum, he organized “Stories of street cinemas in Minas Gerais” (Editora da UFJF, 2021). He is currently researching the history of cinematographic exhibitions in Juiz de Fora between 1897 and 1912.
Sancler Ebert
Sancler Ebert is passionate about movie theaters and their architecture, their stories and their unique atmosphere. He holds a bachelor's degree in Journalism from Unisc (2009), a master's degree from the Postgraduate Program in Image and Sound at UFSCar (2016) and a PhD candidate at the Postgraduate Program in Cinema and Audiovisual at UFF (2019), in which he researches the relationships between stage and screen in the cinemas of Rio de Janeiro through the trajectory of the transformist Darwin (1914-1933). It also develops research on movie theaters and their histories. He is currently Professor of Communication courses at Centro Universitário FMU (São Paulo) and Executive Secretary of the Brazilian Society for Film and Audiovisual Studies (Socine).