This site aims to bring together the researches about movie theaters developed in stricto sensu graduate courses of public and private Higher Education Institutions of Brazil.
In the first stage of the project, we gathered the researches produced in the Southeastern Region of the country.
Over the last few decades, the number of master theses and doctoral dissertations made on this subject has increased considerably in Brazil, which reinforces the idea that a field – named by João Luiz Vieira as stories of cinemas – is in the making. It is essential to write the terminology with lowercase letters and in the plural, as the purpose is to highlight the multiple trajectories of national cinematographic exhibition spaces. According to the author, from the 1980s onwards, there was a revision of the hegemonic view of the grand History of Cinema with the purpose of decentralizing the more traditional focus of investigations on films and their directors to an appreciation of other issues related to distribution, exhibition and reception, in the most diverse cultural, economic, social and temporal scenarios.
Despite the expressive growth of academic production about movie theaters in the country, the difficulty of accessing these studies – especially those that, due to the fact that they were carried out in the 20th century, rarely have a digital version – means that important researches don’t circulate as they should. Often, the only existing copies end up being restricted to the libraries of the Higher Education Institutions in which they were developed.
In this way, the purpose of this site is to group all these investigations in one place, which will facilitate their dissemination among those interested in the subject and, certainly, will stimulate new contributions to the field. After all, there are still many stories of cinemas to be told in Brazil.